Group Policy
The nms Holdings Group established a group policy to contribute
to sustainability in September 2023.
Human Rights Policy
The nms Holdings Corporation and the group companies have established “developing human potential” as part of our management philosophy. We believe that “the growth of each and every employee drives our company forward.” We have developed a corporate culture based on that belief. The growth of each and every one of our employees working in various countries and regions is the source of value creation for our customers and underpins our growth.
1.Our Basic Approach to Respect for Human Rights
We uphold internationally-recognized human rights norms including the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We respect human rights in accordance with those norms.
Moreover, we also refer to the Responsible Business Alliance’s (RBA)* code of conduct and various standards to grasp the demands of the times and human rights issues in industry.
In addition, we comply with laws/ordinances and regulations relating to human rights in the countries and regions where we do business. If the human rights laws/ordinances and regulations of that country or region differ to the internationally-recognized human rights norms, we respect internationally-recognized human rights norms to the maximum extent possible.

2.Human Rights Issues Relating to Our Business Activities
We recognize that initiatives for the following human rights issues relating to our business activities are important elements of respect for human rights.
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Forced Labor, Modern Slavery and Child Labor
- Occupational Health and Safety and Product Safety
- Guarantee of Appropriate Working Hours, Breaks, Holidays and Leave
- Respect for Privacy
- Freedom of Association
You can confirm the each details from the link below.

3.Establishment of a Human Rights Inquiries Desk
We have established and appropriately operate an inquiries desk so that we can receive inquiries relating to human rights anonymously.
4.Remedy and Correction
If it becomes clear human rights have been violated, we work to remedy that violation through appropriate means. At the same time, we take corrective measures to prevent a recurrence of that violation.
5.Education and Training
We provide suitable and appropriate education and develop abilities so that all our employees understand the Policy and ensure it permeates through the Group.

Code of Conduct
We stipulate the code of conduct that the basic norms to engage in ethical and responsible business activities and it should be complied with by all the nms Holdings Corporation and the group companies’ (hereinafter “the Group”) officers and employees (hereinafter “we,” “us” or “our”) in our daily work.
We make sure that all people related to our company are fully aware of the importance of our code of conduct.

Guidelines for the Protection of Employees with Disabilities
These guidelines are based on the Human Rights Policy and Code of Conduct stipulated by nms Holdings Corporation and group companies (hereinafter “the nms Holdings Group”) and laws/ordinances concerning the employment of people with disabilities. The purpose of these guidelines is to secure appropriate employment opportunities and provide reasonable accommodations so that all employees with disabilities can demonstrate their abilities and perform their duties with peace of mind.
The content of these guidelines conforms to the Act on the Promotion of the Employment of Disabled Persons revised in April 2016 (partial promulgation date or April 2018) and the Guidelines for the Prohibition of Discrimination and the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations When Employing People with Disabilities. All the Group’s employees act based on these guidelines.